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To-do list

abrehan2's github profile

The project is a to-do list that lists your submitted tasks and allows you to delete them once the tasks are completed


AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

Hello ! Here is a Full Stack Web App.A responsive Web app where one can order food online, having Admin Panel with access to add & delete menu items!


vk20july's github profile

Legendary Nokia Snake Game which would take you back to the good old days.


SurajPratap10's github profile

CoinMeter is a completely responsive and functional real-time Cryptocurrency data fetching app. This app gives you the facility to analyze the top cryptocurrencies across the world and see their real-time market cap and exchanges with the help of a properly designed historical chart for each coin with a clean UI experience. It also has a trending section where the last 24 hours profitable coins are shown.

Weather App

vishnu-mouli-102408's github profile

Your go-to weather app for real-time forecasts, personalized updates, and seamless planning.

Anime Web

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This project is based on VueJs and uses scss as stylesheet. It uses the unique data passing between child and parent component. It uses REST API as data source to display images and GIFs related to your search with search customization.


coderhersh's github profile

This is a machine learning project made on Credit Card Fraud Detection. The data is taken from Kaggle. Different classification machine learning algorithms have been applied to get the maximum accuracy.

Avax Gods

Google-ka-Dinosaur's github profile

A web3 based decentralised NFT battlecard game(on Avalanche C Testnet)

CodePen Clone

BhumicaPG's github profile

CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, called pens and test them.

Groco-Grocery Website

rishabhchaudhary0210's github profile

A website to fulfill your daily grocery needs. A static fronted designed to practice my skills and try out the Swiper.